Sunday, January 31, 2016

Scotland's Castles

The Bothwell Castle is at Strathclyde. This castle was built in the 13th century. Red sandstone was used to build the thick walls that were 60 feet tall. Bothwell is one of the largest stone castles.
The castle has a huge round keep. A parapet and ditch separate the castle from the courtyard. The English occupied the Bothwell Castle and the Scots lead by William Wallace took 14 months to finally defeat the English. William Wallace used huge medieval siege engines and 6800 soldiers to take Bothwell Castle back from the English. The Bothwell Castle was abandoned and later it was restored.

The Caerlaverock Castle of Dumbriesshire is a different and triangular castle. This castle is one of Scotland's best castle that goes back to the 13th century. This castle was added to until the 17th century.

This castle posses a huge double drum tower that can be seen from the gatehouse that sits above the gatehouse. Sometime during the Renaissance a fabulous facade was added to Caerlaverock Castle. The Caerlaverock Castles outer moat is dry and the inner moat is full of water.

The Crathes Castle of Aberdeenshire was built in the 1500s. It has turrets on a huge medieval tower. The castles interior is in very good shape. There are oak ceilings, heraldic shields and a large Elizabethan fireplace and many more impressive items.

There is a beautiful walled 19th century garden. In side the castles walls are a total of 8 gardens. All year long people will come to see them.

The Old Horse mill has been converted to a restaurant. When the castle was renovated in 1877 they found an original Jacobean painted ceilings.

The Edinburgh Castle is in Midlothian. The Edinburgh Castle was built on a huge rocky foundation. Scotland's Kings and Queens made their home at Edinburgh Castle. All of them made changes to the castle.

Edinburgh Castle is a fortress, palace, barracks, chapel and war memorial. The Stone of Destiny is where the Scottish kings are inaugurated. The Scottish crown jewels are kept at Edinburgh Castle. The Scepter, Sword of State and the Crown are kept in the Crown Room.

The Great Hall has a collection of medieval weapons and armor. A cannon is fired at the castle at 1pm daily. You can enjoy beautiful views of the city from the castle. Edinburgh Castle is very popular with visitors to Scotland.

The Eilean Donan Castle is Rose and Cromarty. This castle had a rich history. King Alexander II had the Eilean Donan Castle built as a defense against the Vikings in the 13th century.

Eilean Donan Castle has a strong keep and no one could penetrate it in the early years. In 1719 warships bombarded the castle and left it in ruins. In the 1900s they started restoring the castle. Eilean Donan Castle is the seat of the Mac Rae Clan. The Eilean Donan Castle was used in the first “Highlander” movie.

The Palace of Holyroodhouse is in Midlothian. The Palace of Holyroodhouse is where the reigning Scottish monarch lives. The monarchs of Scotland have lived here since the Middle Ages. In 1128 the Palace of Holyroodhouse was a Augustinian monastery.

The Palace of Holyroodhouse goes back to the 1500s. Mary, Queen of Scots live here from 161 to 1567. This palace is were the Scottish royalty have lived.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

The Australian Pony

In 1803 the first ponies were brought to Australia. The Australian Pony became a distinct breed in 1920. The first Australian ponies were used for children to ride, They are now used mainly as show ponies.

The Australian pony is considered a large pony being 12 to 14 hands tall. They com in several colors.

The Australian Pony was developed by crossing the Welsh Mountain Pony of Type A and the Shetland Pony. The Shetland Pony is solid and strong. The Arab, Hackney and Thoroughbred were also used to develop the Australian Pony.

The Australian Pony has a great disposition. Many people from other countries have never heard of them. They are popular in Australia.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

The Banker Horse

The Banker horse is found on the islands of North Carolina's Outer Banks. They are a feral horse and have lived here for centuries. There is very little water and food where they live. The horses eat marsh grass. To get water they will dig through the sand. There are very few Banker horses left.

The Banker horse is 13 to 14.3 hands tall. They are usually bay, dun, brown and chestnut. They are feral horses but they are calm and friendly.

The Banker horse originated from Spanish horses. The Spanish settled this area in the 1520's and they brought horses with them. The English came to the area in the 1580's. They also brought horses. How the horses got to the islands is not known for sure.

The Banker horse is rare and their existence is threatened.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay

Wednesday, January 27, 2016

The Great Dane

The Great Dane was developed using the Greyhound and the Mastiff breeds in Germany To hunt boars. The boar hound was much different from the Great Dane of today. The present day Great Dane was bred to be a pet. They are often called the “Gentle Giant” of dog breeds.

The Great Dane is an elegant looking dog. Their hair is thick, short and shiny. They can be brindle, fawn, blue, black and harlequin. The male is 30 inches tall, and the female is 28 inches tall. The male will weigh 120 pounds, and the females weigh 100 pounds, The Great Dane will be matured when they are three years old.

The Great Dane is gentle, playful, patient and affectionate. They are great with children. They are social and must be around people. They will not bark very much. They are brave, loyal and will make good watch dogs. They can be aggressive to other dogs. They need to be socialized and trained because of their size.

They only need moderate exercise as they can develop bone and joint problems. They can develop bloat and hip dyspepsia.

The need to be around people and if they are left alone and get bored they can be very aggressive and destructive.

Great Danes can not stand the cold weather. They must be kept indoors during the winter.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

The Dingo from Australia

Many people believe the Dingo is a native wild dog of Australia but they are not. It is believed the Dingo was brought to Australia by Asian seamen over 2,000 years ago. They were probably already partially domesticated. The Dingo prefer to be alone. They are known as dogs but they are different than most dogs. They are extremely shy and are usually found in the outback of Australia.

Dingos are very intelligent. When they are in the wild and feel threatened they will play dead.

You will find Dingos painted on rocks and these pictures show their role in Aboriginal life. It is said that on very cold night thee Aboriginals slept with the Dingos to stay warm.

The Dingo will take their mate for life and very often if the mate dies the surviving partner will die from loneliness.

Back in January of 1789 a group of English convicts were brought to Australia. They settled near what is now Sydney. At that time the Dingo was found just about everywhere except for Tasmania.

The Dingo can survive just about everywhere in Australia if there is an abundance of prey, water and shelter. They do very well in arid areas where there is plenty of water and rabbits for food. Dingos prefer to eat mammals but they will also eat reptiles, birds and seeds. Their favorite prey in the northern tropical wetlands is rabbits.

Dingos usually live in packs made up of a dominate male and female and their offspring.

When a Dingo hunts it depends on the prey available on how they go about it. When a Dingo is after small prey they will hunt alone. When they are hunting for large prey whey will hunt in a pack.

A female Dingo will give birth to 5 pups and there are more males than females in the litter. She will have her young in a natural cave, hollow log or abandoned burrow.

Dingos have to put up with many adverse living conditions like drought, snake bites and other injuries. They also have to put up with diseases and humans.

Dingos are usually 4 feet long and 2 feet tall at the shoulder. They will weigh around 35 pounds. The females are smaller than the males. Their size depends on where they live. Their fur is short and purebreds are usually a ginger color. They will also be found in black and tan and black and white. Almost all of them will have a tail with a white tip and white feet.

Their eyesight is very good and so is their hearing. Their sense of smell is extraordinary.

If a Dingo is treated good and trained when they are very young they can make good pets. They are very intelligent, playful and curious. They need a large fenced area to run in.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

The Beautiful Collie Dog

Collies are beautiful dogs but they require a lot of grooming. They are intelligent, loving, gentle and loyal. They will love their whole family including all their other pets. They are very devoted to their family but are usually wary of outsiders. When you take your collie to the dog park he will usually be an observer and not join in the playtime.

Collies ;usually weigh 48 to 70 pounds and are 22 to 26 inches tall. There are rough coated and smooth coated collies. The rough coated is the most popular. Their colors are sable, tricolor, blue merle, sable merle and white with darker color markings.

In Scotland and England collies have been around since there has been livestock to care for. Collies have herded sheep and cattle for hundreds of years. Collies became pets when Queen Victoria took an interest in them. They are a very popular pet in the United States.

Collies love to play with their family. They also like a lot of attention. Collies are really low maintenance dogs. They are not demanding or destructive. They will on occasion get moody. They will protect their family if they since danger.

They will need regular exercise. They will need to be socialized and trained when they are young. If they are not they could be very timid.

The family collies are not like the collies seen in movies and on T.. Collies are working dogs. They should have a big yard to explore in.

Collies need to be brushed everyday. They also need regular trips to the groomers. They do not do well when it is hot and their nose will get sunburned.

Sources and credits: Picture Pixabay

The Beagle Dog

The Beagle is one of the oldest dog breeds. It is believed they originated in England in the 11th century. William the Conqueror brought the Talbat Hound as a hunting dog into Great Britain. The Beagle dog we have today is a decedent of the Talbot Hound and maybe the Irish Kerry Beagle.

Beagles were bred as pack dogs. They have declined in being kept as pack dogs, but they have become very popular as pets. They are popular as working dogs in many countries. They are now used as detection dogs at airports and as arson dogs.

The Beagle has floppy ears and a great sense of smell. The Beagle is white with black and tan. Beagles are usually born black and white and by the time they are 1 to two years old the brown will appear. They have a dense, short and smooth coat. The Beagle will shed a lot in the spring.

During Medieval times, there was the Pocket Beagle, which was 8 to 9 inches tall at the shoulder and weighed 22 to 25 pounds.

Beagles are active with a good disposition. They are very intelligent and gentle. They need to be socialized and trained. They are a great companion and family dogs. Beagles can be vocal, but some will not bark or howl. If a Beagle is left alone and gets bored, he will howl.

Beagles are usually healthy and low maintenance dogs. They can develop cardiac problems and ear problems.

Beagles are food for active people. They like daily walks on a leash. They like other dogs.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

Tuesday, January 26, 2016

The Eilean Donan Castle in Scotland

There is a very rich romantic history that goes with the Eilean Donan Castle. The castle was built during the reign of King Alexander II. He built Eilean Donan Castle to give himself a defense against the Viking raids of the 13th century.

The Eilean Donan castle has a very strong keep, and no one was able to take it during the violent early yeas in Scotland’s history. In 1719, the Government warships attacked the castle. After the warships attack the castle's ruins stayed abandoned for many years. In the 1900s restoration was started on the astle.

The Eilean Donan castle is now used as the seat of the Clan MacRae family. The Eilean Donan castle gained fame when it was used in the original "Highlander” movie.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay

The Bodiam Castle in England

Bodiam Castle is what you might call a perfect medieval castle. Its shape is quadrangular. There is a tower at each end of the wall. It is surrounded by a moat. Bodiam castle appears like you can not access it. It was built to deter attacks and not withstand a siege. The walls are not very thick. An attack would have destroyed the castle.

There are two gatehouses at the castle. There is a gatehouse at the north end and one at the south end of the castle. Both gates have complicated drawbridges that are raised at night and during the time of unrest.

During the Hundred Years War between England and France is when Bodiam Castle was built. The English were expecting to get invaded from the south coast, so they built the Bodiam Castle. The castle was never attacked.

After the Middle Ages Bodiam Castle fell into ruins. Local builders took some of the stones for other projects.

Lord Curzon obtained the castle, and he restored it. Today Bodiam Castle is a beautiful place. Visitors can walk on top of most of the walls and to into all of the towers.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

Monday, January 25, 2016

The Bernese Mountain Dog

In Switzerland, they were originally used as farm dogs. They were protection and guard dogs. They were also used work as herd dogs for the Alpine herders and to pull milk carts.

Their body color is always black, rust and white. Their markings will vary from dog to dog. They are large and strong.

The male will be 64 to 70cm at the shoulder, and the female will be 58 to 66cm at the shoulder.

They are big dogs, so they need to be socialized and trained. They need gentle but firm handling.

Their coat is medium long and soft. It will be wavy or straight. They need regular brushing.

They are confident, good nurtured and alert. They are friendly and good around adults, children and animals. They are extremely loyal and affectionate to their owners.

Sadly they are not a long lived breed. Their average lifespan is 7.5 to 9 years and sometimes not that long. They are prone to getting gastric torsion.

If they do not get regular exercise, they may get destructive. They are good with children.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

The Irish Setter Dog

The Irish Setter dog is a very boisterous and loving dog. They love to be with their family. They are happy outdoors or indoors.

The Irish Setter dog will weight 50 to 75 pounds and be 24 to 28 inches tall. They are red in color and will go from chestnut to mahogany in color. They will sometimes have patches that are white.

The Irish Setter was developed by crossing the Irish Terrier, English Setter, Irish Water Spaniel and other breeds. They are great bird dogs. The Irish Setter is a very popular hunting and family dog.

Irish Setters get very attached to their family. They are good with strangers and other pets. They have a strong bark but are not food watchdogs.

The Irish Setter was bred for hunting. They love to go on long walks.

They do not like being left alone and will become very destructive. They need exercise and attention in large quantities.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay

Edinburgh Castle of Scotland

You will find Scotland's most important castle sitting on a massive rocky foundation of volcanic rock. The castles location is connected to the country’s rich history. Scotland’s Kings and Queens have made this Royal Castle their home. Everyone that has lived there has made changes to the original castle.

The Edinburgh Castle has many functions. It is a palace, chapel barracks, fortress and war memorial. Scottish kings are sworn in at the Stone of Destiny. The Scottish crown jewels are kept in the Edinburgh Castle. The Crown Room is where the Crown Scepter and Sword of State are kept.

The Great Hall has a collection of weapons and armor on display. At exactly 1p.m every day, a cannon is fired from the castle. You will also get beautiful views of the city from Edinburgh Castle. You can learn a lot from a visit to this medieval fortress.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of Pixabay.

Sunday, January 24, 2016

Australian Magpie

The Australian magpie's scientific name is Cracticus tibican.

The Australian magpie is very common and one of the easiest birds to recognize. They will live in groups of up to 25 birds. They like to live in open areas with nearby trees. They also like parks and ball fields.

The Australian magpies body is black and white. They have a white nape, upper tail and shoulders.

They look for insects and insect larvae on the ground. They are happy to take food from humans. They are known to go through an open door into a house looking for food.

They are usually very tame but during breeding season they can become very aggressive protecting their nest. Their nest is a platform built using sticks and twigs. They will line it with grass and hair. They build their nest 15m off the ground in the outer tree branches.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay

The Haunted Corfe Castle in England

In 978AD King Edward's stepmother murdered him at Corfe Castle because she wanted to put her son in power. He was called Etheired “the Unready.”

It is said that while King Edward was hunting in Purbeck forest he went to Corfe where Elfryda, his stepmother, lived. They say she gave Edward a goblet of wine. While Edward was drinking the wine Elfryda had someone stab him in the back.

William the Conqueror started building the Corfe Castle. It was King John that made it into a royal residence. There was a Chapel, new Hall and out buildings added. One of King John's favorite castles was the Corfe Castle. From 1190AD to 1216AD King John added a lot to the castles defenses. When John was King, the castle was used as a prison and may prisoners died at Corfe Castle.

In 1572AD Elizabeth I sold Corfe Castle to Sir Christopher Hatton, her dance master. Sir John Banes the Lord Chief Justice became the owner of the Corfe Castle in 1572.

The Castle was defended by Lady Bankes during the English Civil War until February 1646AD when one of her men betrayed her to Cromwell. When Cromwell’s army took over the castle, they destroyed it. It took them very little time to turn the castle into a pile of ruins.

After this happened stories started being told about a headless “White Lady” who would appear and cause shivers to go down most people's spines.

Corfe Castle is now a tourist attraction even though it is in ruins.

Sources and credits: Photo from Pixabay

Wednesday, January 20, 2016

The Cuban Havanese Dog

The Havanese dogs were originally companion dogs of the wealthy. Centuries passed and they became family pets. They make great family pets.

The Havanese is a small dog that will weigh 7 to 14 pounds and will be 8.5 to 10 10.5 inches tall. They have a coat that is silky and long. The have a plumed tail. They can be almost any color.

The Havanese is considered to be from Cuba. The probably found their way to Cuba hundreds of years ago. It is believed they came from the Canary Islands on the trade ships. In the 18th century almost
every wealthy family in Cuba had a Havanese dog in their home. When Cuba had their revolution in 1959 many wealth Cubans moved to the U.S and they brought their dogs with them.

The Havanese dog will be a great watchdog. They are very cuddly. They are alert and protective. They will bark loudly to warn their family that strangers are coming. They will also make great apartment dogs.

They will follow you around the house. They like toys that squeak and long walks. As long as they have their family's company they are happy.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of:Pixabay and copyright free.

The Doberman Pinscher Dog

In the 1860s, the Doberman was developed. It came from the German Pinscher, Greyhound and German Shepherd. The German Pinscher is also an ancestor of the Rothwailer and the Weimeraner. They are ow extinct. The Miniature Pinscher is not a relative of the Doberman. The Doberman was bred for fast reactions, intelligentsia, power, loyalty and courage. The first Doberman's were aggressive, fearless and id not trust strangers.

The Doberman is a fairly large dog that is muscular and powerful. In some countries, their ears are cropped. In some countries, their ears are left natural. In some countries, their tail is docked and in others it is left long. Doberman's are usually black with tan markings. Sometimes they are reddish brown or a bluish gray. The adult male is 26 to 28 inches tall at the shoulder, and the female is 24 to 27 inches tall at the shoulder. The male will weigh 80 to 100 pounds, and the female will weigh 70 to 78 pounds. They have short hair that is easy to care for.

The Doberman dog of today s loyal and intelligent. They are used by police departments and the military. The Doberman is not an aggressive dog unless they are trained to be aggressive. They can be aggressive to other dogs.

The Doberman will usually live to 11 to 13 years old. They are sensitive to heat and cold. They will get bloat.

The Doberman is best suited for active people. They will need continuous training. They need a lot of socialization. The are good protection and guard dogs.

Sources and credits:  Picture courtesy Pixabay and copyright free.

Tuesday, January 19, 2016

The French Bulldog

The French Bulldog belongs to the non-sporting group of dogs. They are 11 to 13 inches tall and weigh 28 pounds. They can be brindle, reddish brown, white, tan, black and white and brindle.

The French Bulldog will make a good watchdog. They are great family dogs and are good with small children. They love lots of attention.

The French bulldog is extremely affectionate and playful. They can be very funny dogs. They get along with other pets and strangers. Sometimes the males will be aggressive with other dogs. They love to hunt for mice.

They only need to be brushed once a week unless they are shedding which happens in the spring and fall.

They do not need a lot of exercise. A short walk daily will do. Never walk them when it is hot.

They can be stubborn so they must be trained and socialized when they are young.

Sources and credits: Photo from a copyright free source.

Monday, January 18, 2016

The Belgian Malinois Dog

They are very loyal and affectionate friends. They were once herding dogs but they love to be with their family. They are very watchful and alert around children. They love it when they get a lot of play time and they love to be cuddled and talked to.

The Belgian Malinois shepherd is named after Malines, Belgian. There are four Belgian sheepdogs and the Belgian Malinois is the favorite with the Belgian sheepherders. They came to the United States in the early 1920s. They did not get popular until the 1960s. Today they are popular for herding, agility, obedience, police work, companions and family pets.

The Belgian Malinois will usually be very protective of their territory, home and family. They are great watchdogs. They can be wary of strangers.

They will need to be brushed occasionally. You must not give them a bath very often as this will remove their natural waterproofing.

Their coast is weather proof and will be fawn, red, and mahogany with black tips.

If you decide to get a Belgian Malinois shepherd be prepared for a hectic life. They are very active dogs. Sometimes you will think they are on steroids. When they are K-9 dogs they are still a challenge to keep up with.

It would be best to check out the Belgian Malinois dogs habits and personalty before you get one. This way you will know if you have the time, energy and patience to own one. They are fabulous dogs for the right people.

Your must start socializing them when they are young and you must continue through out their life.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of a copyright free source.

The Keeshond Dog

The Keeshond is a cheerful, happy dog that is very energetic. They love children and the other family pets. They are very gentle and obedient.

The Keeshond dog will usually weigh 50 to 65 pounds and be 16 to 19 inches tall. They are medium sized dogs with thick coats. They have a mane around their neck. They resemble the Samoyed which they are related to. They are mixtures of black, white and gray in color.

The Keeshond's ancestry traces back to the Samoyed, Pomeranian and Chow Chow. The Keeshond worked on the Rhine River on Dutch riverboats. They were loved for their intelligence and strength. In the 18th century when the working class rebelled against the Dutch Royal family they were the working classes mascot. When the working class lost the Keeshond's numbers decreased.

The Keeshond was originally bred to guard the Rhine river barges. They are still very protective, cautious and alert dogs. They are good watchdogs and will bark easily. They will get very attached to their owner. They will seem to understand their needs and react accordingly.

They will need a great deal of attention and if they do not get it they will get very upset. They can adjust to apartment living it they get a great deal of exercise and attention. They will get hot because their coat is so thick so they need to be kept col. They love air conditioned places.

The Keeshond needs to be groomed on a regular basis. In the fall and spring they will shed a lot so they will need daily brushing.

Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of Pixaby and copyright free.

The English Bulldog

The English Bulldog is a non-sporting breed. They usually weigh 50 to 55 pounds and are 12 to 14 inches tall. They are usually red brindle, red and piebalds. Some will have a black mask. The have a short and smooth coat that requires very little brushing,

The Bulldog was bred to be used in the sport of bull baiting. Despite this beginning they are good natured and gentle and will make great family pets. They love attention and children. They do not require a lot of exercise so they are great pets for elderly people and apartment living. They really do not like to exercise and prefer to stay on the couch and take a nap. They are affectionate, gentle and loyal. They must have a lot of human attention to be happy. The are sometimes aggressive toward other dogs.

The English Bulldog has been bred to be smaller and this has caused some health problems. They will over heat very easily. They can have allergies and skin problems.

The English Bulldog will need to be trained and socialized when they are young as they can be very stubborn.
Sources and credits: Picture courtesy of: Pixabay.

Sunday, January 17, 2016

The Tibetan Terrier Dog

More than 2000 years ago the Tibetan Terrier dog was found in the Tibetan monasteries. The Tibetan Terrier dog is treated as family members as they are considered good luck. It was discovered they were good at protecting livestock and property. They are not terriers, but they got the terrier name because of their size. The Tibetan Terrier dog is loved all over the world as a loving companion dog and good protection dog.

The Tibetan Terrier dog is medium sized weighing 18 to 30 pounds and being 14 to 16 inches tall at the shoulder. They are a strong and powerful dog. Their coat can be wavy or straight. They have long hair that hangs in their face and makes them resemble a sheepdog.

The Tibetan Terrier dog like to be included in all family activities. They are sweet, loving and loyal family dogs. They have a deep, loud bark, but they will only bark when necessary. They love to play in the grass and go for long walks. They have great patience with children. They are leery with strangers.

If the Tibetan Terrier dog is kept healthy and happy, they will live 15 years or longer.

They will do fine in apartment living if they get daily walks. They will do fine getting brushed every couple of weeks. They will brush easier if you mist their coat first.

Sources and credits: Picture from a copyright free source.

The Dogue De Bordeaux Dog

Picture from copyright free source.

The Dogue de Bordeaux belongs to the working dog group. Some people call them the French Mastiff. The Dogue de Bordeaux will weigh 120 to 140 pounds and be 23 to 30 inches tall. They have a huge head that is covered with wrinkled skin. They are very athletic despite their large muscular size.

They are affectionate and calm. The Dogue de Bordeaux are loyal, and devoted to their family. They are extremely good guard and watchdogs. The Dogue de Bordeaux look like ferocious dogs but they are gentle and loving with children. They are very aggressive around other dogs and they intimidate strangers. To prevent this they must be trained and socialized when they are puppies.

The Dogue De Bordeaux has short, soft and fine hair that will need occasional brushing.

They will need short walks every day. The Dogue de Bordeaux will get tired easily because their muzzle is short. Take water with you so the Dogue De Bordeaux can have a drink.


The South African Boerboel Dog

Boerboel dog is considered a protective guard dog that is not aggressive in their native South Africa. They are affectionate, gentle and make great family pets. They are a very large dog, but they love to be close to their family.

The adult Boerboel dog will weigh 154 to 200 pounds, and they are 23 to 28 inches tall. They are a huge dog that is muscular. Their coat is short and thick and will be off white, brown, reddish brown and many shades of brindle. Their muzzle is black, and their tail is short.

In the 17th century, an employee of the Dutch East Indian Company was sent to South Africa, and he took a large Mastiff dog with him. The settlers brought molasses and other large dogs with them and the mastiff mated with the molossers and the other large dogs. The offspring eventually became the Boerboel.

They are very protective, and they can tell their owners moods. They will become very alert when strangers come around. The need to be socialized and obedience trained when they are young.

They need very little brushing and only an occasional bath. They are so large apartment living may not be for them. It would be good to have a large fenced in yard for them to run in. They need to take daily walks. They must always be kept on a leash. Never forget that they are large and strong.

Sources and credits: Picture from a copyright free source Pixabay.