Picture: Grabill-The Cow Boy by John C.
H. Grabill
You will find cowboys in many countries
besides the U.S. They are often known by other names. A cowboy is
someone that takes care of cattle and horses.
The American cowboy came from many
areas. After the American Civil War the cattle industry became
larger. They needed more cowboys. Soldiers from the Confederacy and
Union army headed west. They were looking for work and they became
cowboys. Many of the African-American freedmen became cowboys. Many
of the Mexicans and American Indians became cowboys.
Some of the Indian boarding schools
taught ranching after 1890. Many of the American Indians now own
small cattle ranches. Many of them work as cowboys on larger
ranches. The Indian cowboy was often seen riding in rodeos. Many of
the American cowboys were of Mexican descent and African-Americans.
When you hear the word cowboy you might
think of rugged men on horseback lassoing cattle and riding bulls.
In the movies they are usually white men but over 25 percent of the
cowboys and rodeo riders in the western days were African-Americans.
They wanted to make a life for themselves in the west.
Some of the African American cowboys
had experience from when they were slaves. If they were lucky they
moved west on horse back but many of them went west on foot. Te Old
West was a place where the African-American cowboy could make a place
for himself.
Sources and credits: www.horsehints.org
Picture courtesy of: wikimedia commons